Brute Force Attack.

It is also known as Dictionary Attack 

what is Brute Force Attack? 

It is nothing but a trial and error method. BFA is an automated and the simplest kind of method to gain access to a system or website.

How is it done?

It tries different combinations of usernames and passwords over and over again until it gets and it is used to decode encrypted data by force tries all possible combinations until the password is found.

It is used to steal passwords shut down websites etc..

How can we prevent BFA?

Well in order to prevent BFA you can try a simple thing below,

  • Password Complexity
  • Login Attempts
  • Captchas
  • 2FA(Two-Factor Authentication)

The first thing is password complexity as it tries different and different patterns.
So if you think that the password is B at A B E L and each and everything is small so it will try it in every combination and then manage the password would be revealed.

But let's think that the password is capital D add that it has 1 2 3.

That is the main reason why be on Facebook.
It recommends you use a password with a character as well as a word as well as a special character and one number numeric value.

That is the main reason to stop it from BFA.

The second thing is the Login attempts. Yes As you have clearly seen that here it has used so many kinds of login attempts in order to find that password. But if you limited to log in items and after to log in or attempts it will open after 1 minute or after 2 minutes. So that attack would be stopped.

The Third thing Captchas. Nowadays Captchas are a must in websites and also about 95 percent of websites use. It is to fill gaps as in nothing but the images which you think and like you can see that there would be 40 images and they would ask you to click on the images that are having by cycle.

So you just click on them and you click some mate.

The fourth thing is 2FA.   I guess you know what is to it is two-factor authentication.
This means you will need two things.

That is the password as well as after you click on the password and log in OTP would be sent to your mobile phone so you will need to enter that OTP in order to access the website or in order to access your account.

So These Four things will prevent Brute Force Attack at a great and a Huge leve/